“Peace Be To You and All My House”
FES Title: Peace be to you and all my House
Alternate Titles: Peace Be You and Upon This House
Date: 07/15/1907
Size: 56″H x 98.5″W
Medium: oil on canvas
Type: illustration
Published: Parker, Gilbert, Sir. “The Healing Springs.” Sunday Magazine of New York Tribune, 20 October 1907: 3.
no caption
Parker, Gilbert. The Northern Lights. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1909: 236.
caption: The Faith Healer
Inscription: lr: F.E. Schoonover / ’07
Exhibitions: 1967 Gift Horse
Comments: index; edit
Provenance: The Gift Horse, West Chester, Pennsylvania (1967); P.G. Grew (1967); Meredith Pail, Costa Rica (as of August 1993)
Current Owner: