Judy and Doctor
FES Title: “Judy and Doctor”
Alternate Titles:
Date: 09/24/1908
Size: 37″H x 25″W
Medium: charcoal-ill-board
Type: illustration
Published: Stabler, Harry Snowden. “The Cutting of Ham.” The Saturday Evening Post, 14 November 1908: 6.
caption: Does You Mean He Got ter be Cut
Inscription: ll: F.E. Schoonover – ’08
Annotations: recto in upper left corner: For The Cutting of Ham
Gallery #1-“Does you me he got to be CUT?” /
She questioned in an awed whisper. C3462a
Comments: TP 6/19/03; form 4/3/07; index; edit
Commentary: For this painting, the size given is the view and the board size is 30″ x 40″.
Provenance: Amy Baker, Tennessee; Randy Baker, Tennessee; Schoonover Studios, Ltd. Wilmington, Delaware
[2000]; private collection [2006]
Current Owner: