Miracle Mary On Way to Sing SIng
FES Title: Miracle Mary on way to Sing Sing
Alternate Titles:
Date: 08/18/1913
Size: 16″ x 26″
Medium: oil-on-canvas
Type: illustration
Published: Moroso, John A. “Miracle Mary: A Christmas Story.” American Magazine, December 1913: 13.
caption: The soul of Mary Meakins sang a hymn of praisegiving as she made her way along the lonely road toward the imprisoned man she loved
Schoonover, Cortlandt. Frank Schoonover, Illustrator of the North American Frontier. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1976: 197.
caption: Miracle Mary on way to Sing Sing
Inscription: lr: F.E.S.
Annotations: en verso: Mr. Schoonover / “Miracle Mary”
en verso on upper frame: #585
Comments: DAM 6/24/04; index; digital 1-25-07
Per Schwartz: size 18″ x 24″; en verso: pencilled large S; model: Maud Stewart
Provenance: Estate of artist; Cortlandt Schoonover, Middletown, Delaware; Schoonover Studios, Ltd., Wilmington, Delaware; private collection
Current Owner: