The Evelyn R in Heavy Weather
FES Title: The Evelyn B
[sic] in heavy weather
Alternate Titles:
Date: 09/15/1913
Size: 0″H x 0″W
Medium: oil-on-canvas_FullBR
Type: illustration
Published: Connolly, James B. “Revolutions of ‘Evelyn R’.” Metropolitan, November 1913: 10-11.
caption: She had been high diving at first, but when the sou’west sea begins. So get a fair wallop at her under her quarter, she took to low rolling
Inscription: lr: Frank E. Schoonover ’13
Comments: DAM 6/24/; index; edit
Commentary: This painting was included on a list made by the artist of paintings that were destroyed as of October 22, 1928. (diaries)
Provenance: Destroyed
Current Owner: