Cortes and Fernando
FES Title: Cover picture for book – also for box Cortes and Fernando
Alternate Titles: Cortes the Conqueror
[1921]; Cortez the Conqueror [1967]
Date: 02/22/1917
Size: 36″H x 27″W
Medium: oil_single-prime-canvas
Type: illustration
Published: Watson, Virginia. With Cortes the Conqueror. Philadelphia: The Penn Publishing Company, 1917: cover.

______. New York: The Hampton Publishing Company, 1917: cover.

Inscription: lr: Schoonover
Exhibitions: 1921 Normal School; 1967 Gift Horse
Comments: NT 4×5; form 8/27/07; slide; index; edit
Provenance: Sold by the artist to Harold Bottdorf; Richard Layton, Wilmington, Delaware; private collection
Current Owner: