“The Mirage”
FES Title: “The Mirage”
Alternate Titles:
Date: 09/23/1920
Size: 34″H x 30″W
Medium: oil_single-prime-canvas
Type: illustration
Published: Hendryx, James B. “The Plague Flag in the Sky.” The American Boy, December 1920: 13.
caption: It was a terrible thing to look upon to those who knew its significance-the flag glowing like a sploch of blood there in the brazen sky.

Hendryx, James B. Connie Morgan in the Fur Country. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1921: 80.
caption: “It was a terrible thing to look upon to those two who knew its significance–that flag glowing like a sploch of blood there in the brazen sky.”

Schoonover, Cortlandt. Frank Schoonover, Illustrator of the North American Frontier. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1976: 107.
caption: The Mirage

Brandywine River Museum. Frank E. Schoonover, Illustrator. Chadds Ford, PA: Brandywine River Museum, 1979: 35, 50-51.
caption: The Mirage, 1920

Inscription: lr: F.E. Schoonover / ’24
Exhibitions: 1979 FES (catalog)
Comments: non-trany 4×5
[2]; index; edit
Provenance: Not known