The Cheyk Mouly Khaf, Came Riding Out to Greet Them
FES Title: The cheyk, Mouly, Khaf, came riding out to greet them.
Alternate Titles:
Date: 10/25/1922
Size: 36.25″H x 24″W
Medium: oil-Eng-Linen-SPcan
Type: illustration
Published: Steele, Wilbur Daniel. “Arab Stuff.” Harper’s Magazine, January 1923: facing 176.
caption: The sheik came riding out to greet them by name in perfect French.
Inscription: lr: Frank E. Schoonover / ’22
Annotations: en verso on stretcher: Oct. 22-1183 / illustration for East and West 1183 Oct. 1922 / The Cheyk Mouley Khaf came riding out (to their names) to greet them in perfect French
Exhibitions: 1962 Bank of Delaware
Comments: index; edit; form 2002
Provenance: Sold by artist to Collection of Mary and John Sclavos; Schoonover Studios, Ltd.; Collection of Richard D. Nielsen (2012)