Hickory Pete
FES Title: Head of Hickory Pete as cover
Alternate Titles:
Date: 01/19/1925
Size: 27″H x 25″W
Medium: oil_single-prime-lincanvas
Type: illustration
Published: Rouse, William Merriam. “Hickory Pete.” Collier’s Weekly, 4 April 1925: cover.
no caption
[none visible as published]
Comments: index; edit
Commentary: William Rouse, author of “Hickory Pete,” sent a complimentary letter to the Editor of Colliers Weekly after the publication of his illustrated story. He wrote: “Thank you for the cover you gave me with ‘Hickory Pete.’ I should like to thank, also, Mr. Schoonover, the artist, who caught the idea in his illustrations. It’s a pleasant feeling to have a story handled like that.” (archives, correspondence)
Provenance: Not known