Several Hundred of the Enemy Went Thundering Past
FES Title: Several hundred of the enemy went thundering past that outer end of our line. I thought we were about to meet our end right there.
Alternate Titles:
Date: 11/02/1925
Size: 36″H x 25″W
Medium: oil-on-Best-Lin-Smooth-can
Type: illustration
Published: Schultz, James Willard. “William Jackson, Indian Scout.” The American Boy, April 1926: 19.
caption: Several hundred of the enemy went thundering past that outer end of our line

Schultz, James Willard. William Jackson Indian Scout. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1926: frontispiece.
caption: Several Hundred of the Enemy Went Thundering Past That Outer End of Our Line (page 136)

Inscription: ll: F.E.S. / ’25
Comments: index; edit
Commentary: This image was painted over #1263 and later destroyed by the artist. (day books)
Provenance: Destroyed