Achille Had Found Her With Young Baptiste Dupres
FES Title: More than once Achille had found her with young Baptiste Dupres
Alternate Titles:
Date: 05/14/1926
Size: 30″H x 36″W
Medium: oil-on-canvas
Type: illustration
Published: Marsh, George T. “The Judgement of Achille Breault.” Country Gentleman, October 1926: 17.
caption: Achille returned to the two who waited, one with high head, the other craven in self pity.

Marsh, George T. Sled Trails and White Waters. Philadelphia: The Penn Publishing Company, 1929: frontispiece.
caption: Achille found himself in conversation with Dupree

Inscription: lr: FES / ’26
Annotations: en verso: Oct-Pd 5/20/26
Comments: index; 30×38 in daybook; photo in file
Commentary: The model for the Indian maiden was Elizabeth Schoonover, the daughter of the artist. The size recorded in the daybook is 30×38 which would indicate that the painting has been restretched.
Provenance: Sold by artist to Mr. and Mrs J. Harry Taylor, Wilmington, Delaware
[1940]; descended in family to private collection