He Stared Bleakly at Shelby, Ignoring the Outstretched Hand
FES Title: He stared bleakly at Shelby, ignoring the outstretched hand –
Alternate Titles:
Date: 06/25/1927
Size: 30″H x 38″W
Medium: oil-on-canvas
Type: illustration
Published: Bethea, Jack. “Silver Fleece.” Country Gentleman, September 1927: 11.
caption: There was an awkward pause. Larry stared bleakly at Shelby, ignoring the outstretched hand.

Bethea, Jack. Cotton. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1928: dust jacket.

[no caption]
Inscription: lr: F.E.S. / ’27
Comments: index; edit
Commentary: This painting was overpainted with #1952. (day books)
Provenance: See #1952