Yankee Ships in Pirate Waters – Lining Pages
FES Title: Lining pages – Huts – Trees etc
Alternate Titles: Drawing For End Papers
[1962]; “Pepper Pirates” End Papers [1972]; Yankee Ships [1979]
Date: 03/12/1930
Size: 11″H x 15″W
Medium: penandink-paper
Type: illustration
Published: Holland, Rupert Sargent. Yankee Ships in Pirate Waters. Philadelphia: Macrae-Smith-Company, 1929: lining pages.[no caption]

__________. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing Co., 1931: lining pages.[no caption]

Pitz, Henry Clarence. 200 Years of American Illustration. New York: Random House, 1977: 195.
caption: Frank Earle Schoonover (1877-1972). In the South Seas. End paper for Yankee Ships in Pirate Waters by Rupert S. Holland, Macrae Smith Co., 1931. Pen and ink, 11″ x 15″. Lent by Walt Reed.

Inscription: lr: FES / ’30
lr added after publication: Frank E. Schoonover
Exhibitions: 1962 FES; 1972 FES; 1979 Montrose
Comments: index; edit
Provenance: The Chester Marron Collection, Christiana, Pennsylvania (circa 1972); Walt Reed, New York (circa 1977); Montrose Galleries, Bethesda, Maryland [1979]; not known