Monty Lost Sight of Her at the End of the Lane
FES Title: Monty lost sight of her at the end of the lane. He could see her moon-blanched face.
Alternate Titles:
Date: 09/09/1930
Size: 32″H x 42″W
Medium: oil-cotton-canvas
Type: illustration
Published: Grey, Zane. “Canyon Walls.” The Ladies Home Journal, December 1930: 121.
[no caption]
Inscription: [none visible as published]
Comments: index; edit
DB: 3rd and last installment
Commentary: A drawing of a lunette, labeled 19 1/2″ x 42″, is entered in the daybook. The lunette does not appear in the publication. Two rectanglar spots, labeled 4″ x 8″, were drawn under the lunette in the day books. They were used in the story as planned, but were printed as separate images. Neither the lunette nor the spots have been located.
Provenance: Not known