As He Danced, He Mumbled and Chanted to Himself, Glancing Up Now and Then
FES Title: As he danced he mumbled & chanted to himself- glancing up now & then
Alternate Titles:
Date: 08/26/1932
Size: 0″H x 0″W
Medium: charcoal-wash
Type: illustration
Published: Erskine, Laurie York. “Meebles’ Magic.” The American Boy–Youth’s Companion, November 1932: 14.
caption: Chattering an incoherent chant, the witch doctor began a weird dance before the white men’s rifles.
Inscription: ll: S
Comments: index; edit
Commentary: The day book entry says: ‘yellow and black charcoal’ for the medium. It is assumed that the yellow is a wash.
Provenance: Not known