The Buffalo Hunt
FES Title:
[pages missing from day books]
Alternate Titles: The Buffalo Hunt [1969]
Date: 1935
Size: 34″H x 37.25″W
Medium: oil-on-canvas
Type: illustration
Published: Schultz, James Willard. “Beaver Woman’s Vision.” The American Boy–Youth’s Companion, September 1935: 21.
caption: Hemmed in now by the four parties of us, the madly frightened animals milled around and around in the wide bottom, and our slaughter of them was great.

Schultz, James Willard. The White Buffalo Robe. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1936: 106.
caption: Hemmed in now by the four parties of us, the madly frightened buffalos milled around and around

Schoonover, Cortlandt. Frank Schoonover, Illustrator of the North American Frontier. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1976: 60.
caption: Buffalo Hunt

Inscription: mr original signature: F.E.S. ’35
lr signed after publication: Frank E. Schoonover
Exhibitions: 1969 FES
Comments: TP 8/3/02; form; index;
Commentary: This illustration was published as a double spread with #2090.
Provenance: Sold by artist to private collection (May 25, 1967)