Broadknife Stood Majestically Over the Bound Indian Boy
FES Title: Double Spread – Caption – Pg 2. “Broadknife stood majestically over the bound Indian Boy and looked down upon him with unmerciful eyes -“
Alternate Titles:
Date: 01/22/1936
Size: 30″H x 34″W
Medium: oil-on-Best
Type: illustration
Published: Erskine, Laurie York. “The Trap and the Bait.” The American Boy–Youth’s Companion, April 1936: 15.
caption: Broadknife strolled toward Pat. He stood majestically over the bound Indian boy and looked down upon him with unmerciful eyes.
Inscription: lr: ’36 / F.E. Schoonover
Annotations: en verso: 2116 / 736
Comments: index
Commentary: This image was published as the right side of a double spread. See #2115 for the left side. This work was possibly painted over #736, and later overpainted with #2249.
Provenance: See #2249
Current Owner: