It Was Shortly Before Noon When Dad Halted
FES Title: It was shortly before noon, when – four miles up Deer Creek dad halted. Beyond a squatty cabin, with snow nearly to the eaves stood in the jack pine.
Alternate Titles: Winter Cabin
Date: 01/05/1937
Size: 34″H x 15″W
Medium: oil-on-canvas
Type: illustration
Published: Balch, Glenn. “Big Medicine Hide-rack.” The American Boy–Youth’s Companion, June 1937: 16.
caption: A squatty cabin, with snow nearly to its eaves, stood in the protection of a grove of thickly growing jack pine.
Inscription: lr as published: F.E.S. ’36
lr added after publication: Frank E. Schoonover
Annotations: en verso on label on upper stretcher: Illustration for Big Medicine / 2162 Jan 1937 / “It was shortly before noon when dad halted.
Comments: index; slide; photograph; edit
Provenance: Private collection
Current Owner: