Flagler’s Drugstore
FES Title: Druggist picture
Alternate Titles:
Date: 08/07/1944
Size: 22.75″H x 27.72″W
Medium: oil-on-gesso-board
Type: subject picture
Published: “An American Tradition.” Ketterlinus, 1943: poster.
caption: From early days the druggist, affectionately known to “Doc,” has combined human knowledge with professional skill to make his store a neighborhood centre
Inscription: lr: Frank E. Schoonover
Comments: TP 10.18.07
Commentary: In the post-script of a letter to Ketterlinus on January 19, 1945, Schoonover writes, “
[The] store has changed little (except for soda counter) – shelves all the same as in 1870. ‘Doc’ in picture [is] actually Uncle – Dr. LeBar who owned and operated a drug store across the street — a little west from the Flagler store shown…
And for your own information, the nice lady in the drawing [is] my mother – the nit-wit kid myself and the little girl, my sister.” (archives, correspondence)

Ketterlinus reviewed and approved the sketch version, #2343, but requested more color and finish on the final. Because the original oil painting has not been located, this image was taken from a poster of the final oil published by Ketterlinus for CIBA.
For further commentary, see #2343.

Provenance: Not known
Current Owner: