FES Title:
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Date: 1898
Size: 15″H x 20″W
Medium: oil-on-canvas
Type: student picture
Published: Drexel University Museum. Frank E. Schoonover at Drexel: Illustration and the Academic Tradition 1892-1903. Philadelphia: Drexel University, 1986: 40.
caption: 33. Apples
Inscription: lr: Frank E. Schoonover / ’98
Exhibitions: 1986 FES Drexel (catalo)
Comments: index; DAM scan April 2007;edit
Commentary: This still life represents one of Schoonover’s earliest known oils. In it, he employs a “harmonious color scheme and tonal range of warm earth colors” and presents an “independent effort which exhibits a mastery of mass, form and composition.” (Drexel University Museum, 40)
Provenance: Private collection